Generate Hundreds, Even Thousands Of Dollars By Helping Millions of Other Musicians Succeed! Discover..."Now You Can Earn Gigantic Commissions By Doing Nothing, But Telling Others About This Proven Line of Exclusive Top-Selling Music Industry Success Courses!""Just Put A Link On Your Website, Blog, Or Tell Your Friends or Newsletter Subscribers About These Proven Products They'll Love! You're Virtually Guaranteed To Rack-Up Big Checks Because 11.9% (3 Out of 25) of Website Visitors Buy!" |
From: Ty Cohen, Owner of Platinum Millennium Dear Friend, In a few moments, you're going to discover a little-known secret you can use to quickly and easily earn either a full-time 6-figure income... or hundreds, even thousands of dollars part-time. It works by putting you in a virtual sales position where you don't have sell anything. You just tell your friends, newsletter subscribers, or website visitors about these 6 top-selling products below. Then, whenever one of the people you refer buys, you get a generous commission. Let's take a look at these proven products:
1. 101 Music Business Contracts -- A fill-in-the blank music contracts software (works on PC and Mac). It's our first and still top-selling tool. Everybody in the music industry needs this tool if they want to protect themselves without spending thousands of dollars on lawyers. Sells For: $67.00 2. Easy Record Deal -- An ebook that reveals everything you need to get signed. This guide allows you to avoid common mistakes most musicians make and helps you stand-out! Sells For: $27.00
3. The Ultimate Music Industry Power Pack -- A bundle of eBooks, software, and directories. This includes 101 Music Business Contracts software, volumes 1-6 of The Industry Yellow Pages (which reveals insider contact information to succeeding in the music business), and countless other eBooks and valuable reports. This allows you to sell many of our products in a package that gives your friends, website visitors, or customers a value-packed deal! Sells For: $97.00 4. The MySpace Magic Manuscript - A special e-book that reveals the secrets to marketing your music on MySpace. Countless musicians are building huge followings on MySpace and with this information, you can too! Sells For: $37.00
5. Sell Music Online Like Crazy - A physical, home study course that reveals my secret step-by-step formula to succeeding in the music business. Since it's a physical course, it has a higher perceived value to visitors and justifies a bigger price tag (which equals a fat commission for you). Sells For: $147.00
6. The Ultimate Record Label -- A high-end physical home study course. It shows you step-by-step how to set-up a successful record label using a proven formula. This ensures you don't make thousand dollar mistakes and you have success quickly and early. The market for the information in this course is gigantic! Sells For: $247.00
You Get A Huge Chunk of The Profits!Products that took weeks or months and multiple people get online, you get paid between 30 - 40% of the sale! We handle all of the selling, processing of customer orders and customer support issues. Simply put, it's almost as if you own the products, but you don't have to do any hard work. So, if you have 100 friends or colleagues in the music industry and you tell people to visit a product that costs $37, then you can potentially earn as much as $198.14 in commissions! Or for selling just 20 of the highest end product, you earn $1,482.00.
These include promotional emails, banner ads, website links, articles, email signatures, and many more tools to help you get earning in no time. You just copy the tools and paste them on the web or in email. Best of all, it only takes a few minutes of your time to earn your first checks. You just put up a link on your website and let the cash slowly roll-in. Moreover, if you want to generate a lot of cash quickly, you can email all of your friends, newsletter subscribers or colleagues in the music industry about these products. Here Are The Details of How It Works:
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Get affiliate training, including calls, videos, and articles on all of the latest promotion tactics! Information we could sell for hundreds of dollars is yours FREE! The bottom line is all of the tools and support you need to start earning cash in no-time are provided for you. So, don't let this opportunity slip you by and take action now by clicking on the link below! Then, just fill-in your information on the next page.
To Your Success, Ty Cohen P.S. We do everything in our power to help you make money. Because we know the more money you make, the more we make. For this reason, if you have any questions, concerns, or want talk about new promotions, we have an affiliate manager available to help you succeed. P.P.S. An exciting part about this program is that you can quickly make back any of your own investments in our products by referring other people. All it takes is 3-4 referrals and you can start earning more than what you invested in any of the courses! P.P.P.S. There's no other program like this in the music industry. By joining our team, you get to promote a wide product line and earn extremely generous commissions! Not to mention, these products sell like crazy because they have tons of testimonial endorsements and they're created by an expert in the industry. This means you can easily take this program and build a business out of it where you're easily generating thousands of dollars on the side! |
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